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This workshop aims to stimulate the sensory development of babies (0–23 months) through interaction with various objects and people, observation, and new experiences, while supporting their development together with their caregivers. Additionally, this workshop serves as part of a community-building initiative, fostering a sense of shared parenting and ensuring that raising children does not feel like an isolated experience for parents. ·


■When: First Wednesday of every month, starting 5 February 2025·

■Where: Trumper Pavilion, Chatswood Oval / Address: Chatswood Oval, Chatswood, NSW 2067·

■Fees: 3-Session Pass: $105/per child ($35 × 3 Tickets/ valid for 5 months) 

​ As it is a ticket-based system, there is no cost if you are absent.

■Target Age Group: 0–23 months (parental supervision required)·

​​■How to Apply

Please complete the registration form below and make your payment. After submitting the form, you will be invited to join our WhatsApp group. Your registration will be confirmed upon joining the group.

Click here to Register

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